Monday, April 8, 2024

Features of c++

C++ is a broadly useful programming language that was created as an improvement of the C language to incorporate an item situated worldview. It is an objective and accumulated language. C++ has various highlights, including:

  1. Object-Oriented Programming
  2. Machine Independent
  3. Simple
  4. High-Level Language
  5. Popular
  6. Case-sensitive
  7. Compiler Based
  8. Dynamic Memory Allocation
  9. Memory Management
1.Object-Oriented Programming:
C++ is an Item Situated Programming Language, not at all like C which is a procedural programming language. This is the main element of C++. It can make/obliterate articles while programming. Likewise, It can make diagrams with which articles can be made. We have examined the Item Arrange Programming Ideas in C++ in this article.

2.Object-Oriented Programming:
C++ is an Item Situated Programming Language, not at all like C which is a procedural programming language. This is the main element of C++. It can make/obliterate articles while programming. Likewise, It can make diagrams with which articles can be made. We have examined the Item Arrange Programming Ideas in C++ in this article.

3.Machine Independent:
A C++ executable isn't stage free (gathered programs on Linux won't run on Windows), notwithstanding, they are machine-autonomous. Allow us to grasp this element of C++ with the assistance of a model. Assume you have composed a piece of code that can run on Linux/Windows/Macintosh OSx which makes the C++ Machine Free yet the executable record of the C++ can't run on various working frameworks.
    A straightforward language in the sense projects can be separated into consistent units and parts, has rich library support and has different information types. Additionally, the Auto Catchphrase of C++ makes life more straightforward.

    Auto keywords:
    The possibility of the auto catchphrase was to frame the C++ compiler to find the information type while ordering as opposed to causing you to proclaim the information type each friggin time. Do remember that you can't proclaim something without an initializer. There should be a way for the compiler to derive your sort.


    // C++ program to demonstrate
    // working of auto keyword
    #include <bits/stdc++.h>
    using namespace std;
    // Driver Code
    int main()
        // Variables
        auto an_int = 26;
        auto a_bool = false;
        auto a_float = 26.24;
        auto ptr = &a_float;
        // Print typeid
        cout << typeid(a_bool).name() << "\n";
        cout << typeid(an_int).name() << "\n";
        return 0;
    4.High-Level language :
    C++ is an Undeniable Level Language, not at all like C which is a Mid-Level Programming Language. It makes life simpler to work in C++ as it is an undeniable level language it is firmly connected with the human-understandable English language.

    C++ can be the base language for some other programming dialects that upholds the component of item situated programming. Bjarne Stroustrup found Simula 67, the primary article arranged language ever, inadequate with regards to reproductions, and chose to foster C++.

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